How Much Does It Cost To Become A US Citizen?
For many individuals outside the United States, becoming a US citizen is a worthwhile investment. It’s a matter of pride gaining US citizenship because United States is one of the greatest and famous countries in the globe. But before embarking on this journey, you need to ask yourself how much does it costs to become a US citizen?
Becoming a US citizen is a costly affair but it’s worth it if your dream is to become a permanent legal US citizen. Being a US citizen has numerous benefits because you will have voting rights, be eligible for government assistance, a guaranteed residency and you will also be given priority when it comes to federal employment.
The Steps to Becoming a US Citizen
For you to become a US citizen there are a number of steps that you must follow and conditions to adhere to. First of all, you must find out whether you are eligible for citizenship. This includes a proof to the authorities that you have continuously resided in the US, your literacy levels and a thorough understanding of the history of the United States and government. Your character must also be in agreement with the constitution of the land and you must show your readiness to defend the constitution. The next step is to fill the necessary paperwork and submit it for approval.
The Cost Element of US Citizenship
The cost of obtaining the forms and filling the applications amounts to a total of $680. This is the amount that everyone seeking citizenship is expected to pay. The $680 caters for the application fee of $595 while the balance ($85) is the fingerprinting fee. These are the official costs and once done away with, you will not be expected to incur any other statutory costs.Experience however has taught people that there are costs involved even after the payment of the $680.
Professional Consultancy Fees
If you can afford to pay extra money, you can hire the services of consultants and tutors who can help you with the citizenship process including advice and added information on how you can pass your citizenship test. This expense is not necessary but if it will help you in getting your citizenship approved quick and fast then it is a worth course.
How to Save Money and yet Increase Citizenship Chances
As earlier stated, the fees and applications attract a flat fee. There is no possibility of reducing this fee unless you apply for a fee waver. This is however given in very rare circumstances and it’s not predictable. One of the surest ways of cutting costs is to reduce the unnecessary charges like those of consultants and tutors. You can instead research on the internet for useful materials and insights from those who have already gone before and experienced how it is like to go through the process. You can also do a private study which can work just as well.
With proper planning and early scheduling of your citizenship test, you can have ample time to go through the process hassle free. This will not only your overall cost but also enhance your chances of success.