You do not have to be a pet enthusiast for you to stop and wonder how much do golden retrievers cost. In fact having the facts right is more important because you can in turn be a resource base for your friends and even others who would want to know more about these pets.

However, if you have decided that you want to have a golden retriever instead of cat or a pigeon for a pet then read along to find out more. Golden retrievers cost more than what many people would imagine. The cost of adoption or buying is just the primary element of it. There is the cost of maintaining it which is also significant and much more critical.

Golden retrievers are cute and exciting to have. They can change your world and color it for you. Others have had them for companionship while some just for the fun of it or to fulfill an inner ego. From whichever angle you look at it, it’s time to get down and crunch the numbers.

The Cost Purchase/Adoption

When you decide to either purchase or even adopt a golden retriever, the first cost you need to keep an eye at, is the purchase cost or adoption cost. You could be lucky to get them free of charge! But should if you are not lucky enough, you will have to pay for it. It can cost up to $3,000 in professional breeding stores. In many places, you will also pay an additional nominal charge of $1.

Golden Retriever Puppies With Mother

Before committing to purchase the pet, you need to ensure that it is in good health and without defects. Animal shelters are the best places to get your pets because they usually treat them and they have a variety too. Most of the pets there including the golden retrievers have detailed background records that you can have a look at to ascertain the health status of the pets before adopting or buying them.

These animal rescue centers also have affordable and attractive pricing with the average price for the retrievers going at $300 to $600.

Commercial breeders provide an alternative place for buying of puppies. The only problem you may encounter afterwards is that pet clubs may not admit you on the condition that the breeding methods used by these breeders are below average. Pet stores sell the puppies at prices ranging from $300 to $1,000.

Professional breeders provide an excellent option for buying these puppies. The only problem lies in the fact that their prices are higher compared to the conventional stores. Their trainings and breeding methods are great in addition to the fantastic Medicare facilities.

Professional breeders sell puppies at prices between $2,000 and $3,000. Their golden retrievers are usually high end and form a great purchase.

License fees

Once you buy your golden retriever, you need to license him. The average cost here is about $50. If you go ahead and enroll in golden retriever clubs, you will have to pay subscriptions in addition to membership costs.

Food and Housing Expenses

To feed a golden retriever you will need to spend approximately $50-$90 every month. If you decide to groom your dog, you will have to incur an additional $20 per month for the O.B classes and training. Housing will also require that you renew every year or if you are lucky after every two years.

Medicare and Insurance

Golden retrievers require regular shots to keep them away from diseases. Annual immunizations usually cost $70 every year. In addition to this charge, you will also have to pay up for heartworm tests. These typically cost anything between $50 and $200.

Put together the cost of a golden receiver is quite significant. However, if you truly love the idea of having a golden retriever as your pet, go for it!

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