Kourtney Kardashian plastic surgery is not a rumor since she publicly confirmed that she went through surgical procedures to enhance her looks. This is in sharp contrast to her sister Kim who decided to deny and keep mum. Born in 1979, Kourtney Kardashian is not that old. In fact, she is in her mid thirties but due to the nature of women always wanting to be beautiful, she opted for cosmetic procedures.

Being in the limelight some celebrities have always tried to keep aging at bay and at the age of 35 years and above, most of them become overly sensitive with the way they look and how they take care of their bodies. Kourtney Kardashian must have gotten the challenge from her mother who looks beautiful yet in her advanced years.

According to Kourtney Kardashian personal confessions, it can be rightfully put that she went through the following procedures.

Breast Augmentation

Many women tend to think that the power of their beauty lies on their breasts.

Kourtney Kardashian breast implants before and after

Kourtney Kardashian breast implants before and after

Whether this is true or not, is yet to be established but it has shaped how women look at themselves and even how they dress. The breast size is usually correlated with the rest of the body shape and in case of a misfit many women opt for surgical procedures to correct this anomaly. Kourtney Kardashian could have been in the same situation where she thought her breasts were a bit smaller compared to her overall figure. That is when she decided to go for breast augmentation. Depending on how the process is done and the experience of the expert conducting it, you can either have a positive or negative outcome.

Kourtney Kardashian

Kourtney Kardashian

For the case of Kourtney Kardashian, it must have been done by an expert because it appears natural and you have to be very keen if you are to find out that there is something artificial about her breasts. She looks much happier and confidence with her new bust.

Nose Job

Rhinoplasty is a procedure done out of the desire and need to have a nose that fits the rest of the facial features. This has been the approach of many celebrities since most of them have noses that they consider slightly larger compared to their other features.

Celebrities tend to be cautious about the proportionalities of their features and most of the time; they usually go through drastic measures just to correct the situation. Looking at her before and after photos, you can tell that Kourtney Kardashian went through a nose job.

Her nose is much narrower and thinner now than it used to be. Also, her nostrils are narrower leading to the tip of the nose that appears sharp and refined. Before, it has been shown that as someone loses weight the structure of the nose also changes but this is not the case with Kourtney Kardashian.

Kourtney Kardashian plastic surgery before after

Kourtney Kardashian plastic surgery before after

First of all, she has never had a significant weight loss and secondly, she has never been on serious nutritional or exercise regime to warrant such a weight loss. Looking at the bridge on her nose, it appears artificial and made to fit.

All in all, Kourtney Kardashian Plastic Surgery has been touted by all and sundry as a successful operation that worked towards enhancing her beauty.

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