Rumors of Paula White plastic surgery pierced through the divine veil of the Christian author and church leader.

Famously known as the co-founder of the Without Walls International Church situated in Florida, the life coach has also been a TV host of a show that is popular in the United States called Paula White Today.

She looks as beautiful and young, something she absolutely loves and speaks about it as the divine favor of God and the freshening of the Holy Spirit. Well, that could be a point but some of her followers and critics may be far from being convinced. They strongly believe that the speaker who is in her late 40s must have undergone cosmetic procedures.

What makes them believe so?

Paula White

Paula White

Looking at Paula White in her before and after photos reveals so much about her appearance. Her face is overly smooth and for someone her age, people would expect to see some aging effects such as wrinkles and cheek lines.

In her case, it is all smooth and shiny. Had it been the result of good diet and exercise, people would not be having a problem with it. The problem comes in because her fans believe that she went through the surgeon’s knife yet she vehemently denies anything of the sort.

What Paula White Plastic Surgery Entailed

Paula white who also works as the senior pastor of the New Destiny Christian Center located in Apopka, Florida is said to have undergone a number of cosmetic procedures to make her look youthful and sexy. Some of the notable procedures include the following:

Breast Implants

This is the first change that stands in the open. Her bust size is now larger than it was before. She was probably never comfortable with the slightly smaller size of her breasts and needed to look sexy and presentable on stage. This procedure was done to boost her cup size but in the process, the breasts took a much rounder shape similar to those of Hollywood celebrities. Her photos reveal this clearly.

Botox Treatments

Paula White after plastic surgery

Paula White after plastic surgery

Compared to her age mates who are aging gracefully, Paula White looks much more different. She looks twenty years younger than them. Her face is smooth and without the wrinkles that people would expect to have started developing. He cheeks also look fuller and fleshy making her looks plastic and largely unnatural.

While her appearance is enhanced and makes her look younger than she really is, critics say she did not have to go through surgical procedures to look attractive. Other people are of the opinion that looking great will help her sell the books she has authored.

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