Susan Sarandon plastic surgery is another case of celebrities who play hide and seek with the appearances. They go through procedures and then they come round to claim that they didn’t go through such in a bid to clean their names. Some of them use the excuse that they observe strict dietary procedures and exercise regimes.

When it comes to celebrities and beauty, the two seem to go hand in hand. Many celebrities want to look young and attractive so as to keep them valid in their careers. Susan Sarandon is one of them, she claimed that she is a fan of plastic surgeries and that she had projects regarding her beauty enhancements.

Susan Sarandon after Plastic Surgery

Immediately after rumors were out that she had gone through plastic surgery, many celebrity magazines and fashion television channels booked appointments with her to seek clarifications. She admitted that at some point she had some work done so as to uplift her beauty and image. She also further stated that she was happy with the outcome of the surgeon’s knife.

Susan Sarandon plastic surgery pic

Susan Sarandon plastic surgery pic

Among the procedures that she openly admitted to have undergone include boob job, liposuction and Botox.


At her sixties, Susan Sarandon could be experiencing reduced metabolic activities including slowed down fat digestion and absorption. This may have led to the accumulation of fat deposits on her chin and eyes. As most people would do, an easy way to getting rid of these deposits include procedures such as liposuction. Here, the fats are surgically removed leaving the organs lighter and leaner. Looking at her eyes, they look refreshed and alert than they were in her before plastic surgery photos.

Boob Job

Susan Sarandon

Susan Sarandon

Following the effects of aging, her bust had somehow started flattening making her look flat-chested. This is of course an undesirable look especially for celebrities who still want to stick around in the limelight like Susan Sarandon. This made her procure breast augmentation so as to lift her bust making her cup size to look wonderful despite her age.

Even though the restoration of her breast was not done to their original youthful size, they served her well at her roaring sixties.

Botox Injections

This is among the first procedures that celebrities think of before venturing into the rest. For Susan Sarandon, going through Botox was almost expected because of the nature of her aging skin. The effects of age had taken a toll on her and the skin was starting to sag and the wrinkles had surfaced. Going through Botox was long overdue for the celebrity. Through the use of dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane, the doctors made sure that every trace of a wrinkle was faced out in the most clinical way.

The success of her Botox treatment must have been a combined effort of her choice of a surgeon and the expertise of the surgeon to balance the application of the fillers.

According to experts, Susan Sarandon plastic surgery was a great success. They have reinstated her beauty and now at her age, she still looks amazingly beautiful. Dr. Michael Salzhauer in referring to the celebrity says that she no longer looks like an older women but rather a youthful looking lady.

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