Marlo Thomas Plastic Surgery Gives Her Unnaturally YoungerLooks
Marlo Thomas, a gorgeous Hollywood celeb and the rock star of 60s “That Girl” has undergone a hectic series of plastic surgeries over the years in an attempt to permanently maintain her looks that made her sneak into millions of hearts during her teens.
Marlo Thomas plastic surgery has been a much debated topic among cosmeticians, physicians, beauticians and media men. Despite the fact that she has never publicly admitted the changes in her look, everybody in Hollywood and her fan club across the world strongly believes that she has come under knife many times.
The 77-year-old actress and producer started with nose job before the beginning of her groundbreaking role in the sitcom, That Girl, which was aired during 1966-1971. Marlo received great criticism for this initial surgery for the fact that she got it overdone and, resultantly, made her nose thinner. However, she remained satisfied and confident. She had also won Golden Globe Award for her awesome performance in that sitcom.

Marlo Thomas now and then
Later in 70s and 80s, Marlo dug deep into plastic surgery treatments and got boob job, face lift, facial fillers, brow lift and botox injections. The effects of all these surgical jobs are visible over her face clearly.
It is said that Marlo regularly gets botox injections in a bid to make her skin tight. This is the reason that her face looks smooth and wrinkle free even in this age. However, some cosmeticians believe that she overdoses with her skin and it makes her look quite unnatural. This is true to some extent. If you take a look over Marlo’s face, it all looks artificial.
Among all surgical treatments, Marlo’s breast augmentation has been the most successful one so far. It has helped her retain attractive look to a great extent.
The actress’ eyebrows have also drastically changed after plastic surgery. In pre-surgery pictures, they look quite different. Same is the case with her lips that seem to have gone through a lot of filler treatment. In an attempt to look young and fresh, Marlo Thomas has entirely changed her look, especially the face. It is even hard to recognize her sometimes when you see her post-surgery pictures. This is entirely a new lady witch quite different face features.

Marlo Thomas plastic surgery before after
With the atmosphere of competition and race for success looming in Hollywood arenas, getting plastic surgery treatments has become quite common among silver screen ladies who are always curious to present themselves as young, fresh and attractive.
Following Marlo Thomas plastic surgery, many other celebs are also playing with their skins. It would not be wrong to say that the old lady with younger looks has given a hope to her fellows that they can easily hide their ages and the changes that come along with ageing. She has successfully proved that age is not a barrier in any woman’s professional career and looking young all the time is not a big problem provided you are ready to bear harsh knife cuts and painful injections.
TOO BAD-Marlo use to look so cute-not now. She just looks odd-very odd and unattractive. Her lips look weird and her capped teeth are too big for her mouth. Why did she do anything more to her nose-it was so adorable on her original TV show?! Just another plastic so sorry case. Doesn’t look younger-but just disturbing in some way. She was a favorite crush of mine the way she use to be. Should have let herself age with grace.