Sylvester Stallone Plastic Surgery Before and After
Sly Stallone would long be remembered for his playing the character of Rocky Balboa. His movie ‘Rocky’ has received great recognition and won him numerously many accolades. In 2010, Sylvester Stallone was voted into boxing’s Hall of Fame. Besides the American actor and screenwriter has also received two Academy Award nominations for Rocky – Best Actor and Best Original Screenplay.
Besides Rocky, the actor has also performed the notable character of John Rambo in the film First-Blood. Leaving aside his vast filmography, the star has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Rumours of Sylvester Stallone plastic surgery started doing rounds of media and the internet in 2011. Let us have a look the allegations in detail.
Sylvester Stallone is alleged of a forehead lift
The icon for the masculine and the macho has mostly been alleged of getting work done on his forehead. Stallone in order to fight gravity has had a forehead lift. His eyebrows appear a bit raised now, when you compare it with his photos from the past. A story on Sylvester Stallone’s pictures from 1999 to 2011 was published by Wetpaint – you will notice stark differences on his face in this post.

Sylvester Stallone plastic surgery before and after
It looks like he has got his face refreshed quite a few times. Various media houses noticed the change in appearance when the star went to Venice for accepting the ‘Jaeger-LeCoultre Glory To The Filmmaker’ Award at the annual film festival in 2009. No frown lines on the forehead are indicative of a forehead lift.
Sylvester Stallone – other rumoured plastic surgeries
Besides, going for a forehead lift, the actor has also been accused of going for facial fillers, Botox and jawline surgery. The skin on the actor’s face now appears smooth and tight. At 67 years of age, he boasts a youthful skin without any ageing signs. These are all suggestive of Botox injections the actor had on his face. Facial fillers have probably also been used to complement Botox.
Sly Stallone’s jaw has suddenly changed in appearance. When we compare his jaw in h his older photos with current one, the jaw line appears more defined, sharper and tighter. These changes can be attributed to a jawline surgery.
Plastic surgeons insights
Dr. David Shafer expressed that Sylvester Stallone appears to have undergone a physical transformation. On having a look at his pictures, signs of face and forehead lift were confirmed by him along with some visible scars. He went on to say that his brows also show an unnatural peak and skin bunching.
On the actor’s improved look from his previous post-op photos the doctor said, “Presumably the improvement has come as the swelling has resolved and the tissue has softened.”
The Sylvester Stallone plastic surgery episode demonstrates that even the Hollywood Hunks have no qualms in going under the knife. The obsession with the physical body does not know gender. It is a disorder which can infect anyone, particularly those who in consistent spotlight. Sly Stallone is the hero and inspiration for so many for the commendable movies he has performed in. His exercise and diet regime might be helping him stay in shape. But there is no doubt that he has gone under the knife. What do you think? Let us know your thoughts.