Christina Hendricks Plastic Surgery – A Display of Excellence
Christina Hendricks plastic surgery was so much hyped such that even the people who did not know the “Mad Men” star had to search for her photos all over the internet and magazines. She has run a successful career and much of her private life has been under media scrutiny just like any other celebrity.
Those who know Christina Hendricks would probably be aware that she never easily accepts allegations and rumors. She is beautiful by all measures but because beauty is relative, some celebrities have gone overboard in a bid to please their fans and supporters.
Christina Hendricks in a way also fell into this pitfall. In trying to live up to the expectations of the people around her, she has gone for physical modifications including breast implants. When questions about her breasts however, the celebrity says that they are real and not augmented. She even joked at one time saying that anyone who knows or has touched a breast would know that hers are real.
Did Christina Hendricks go through breast implant?
Well, aside from her denials the facts are on the table. The numbers of women including celebrities who opt for breast implants in America are many and varied. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 296,000 American women, went through the breast implant procedure between 2000 and 2010. One of the striking things is that many of these women ask for enlargement of their breasts. Some of them want to go a cup size larger while others want to 2 cups sizes.
Christina Hendricks certainly went for an increase in boob size. She arguably did this at the age of 36. When you look at her images before and after the operation, you will note the difference. Despite the fact that she may have added weight, the boob job is very clear and distinct from the weight gain.
It appears that Christina Hendricks has fallen in love with voluptuous breast. It seems to fit well in her frame and body structure giving her an excellent and beautiful look. The surgeon who did her breasts did not go overboard but maintained them within the acceptable range giving them an ultimate natural look.
This seems to be the second operation after the breast augmentation, her nose in her before photos appeared distinct and slightly outstanding from her facial features. However, after the nose job, she changed the way she looks with her nose being smaller and narrower than it was. The nose was done specifically to fit it with her face a perfect look. The tip of the nose looks sharp and the bridge much narrower. The surgeon who worked on her nose job did a wonderful operation.
Christina Hendricks Plastic Surgery was a great success. Even though the celebrity has not owned up to each and every party of the process, she looks great, sharp and fabulous. She has managed to win accolades from both her fans and critics who admire her new and almost natural look. Everything was done in the right measure with the surgeons being careful not to overstep their boundaries.
Christina boobs are too big according to her body size and moreover whats the credit after getting it by plastic surgery and saying that its natural.All the beauties are fake these days.
I think she may have had some work done on her breast but wouldn’t be willing to put money on it. When I was very slim, 100 lbs size Zero I practically had no breasts … I use to kid that I could walk down the street topless and be mistaken for a boy!! But then, after several children, 60 lbs more and larger dress sizes my breasts became HUGE! Some women are lucky that way … they gain weight and it all goes to the boobs … although the norm is the opposite … most women complain the minute they start losing weight the first thing they lose is their Breast size. So who knows the truth besides her … and actually if she feels, sexy, wonderful and happy with them, that is really ALL that matters … Not whether she got them naturally grown or store bought. IMHO 🙂