Diane Keaton Plastic Surgery Rumored as Done
Diane Keaton plastic surgery rumor has stayed in our ears for several years just because of how she looks. Diane Keaton is a beautiful woman whose facial appearance does not show any correspondence to the number of years she has lived. She was born in LA, California back in 1946. She is now 68 years of age and she looks just “GOOD”!
So many people have had a puzzle to solve as to why she could look that good. What could be her secret which, probably could be revealed to other women who are crying out loud for the same magic potion?
Diane Keaton has been an actress since early 1970s. It is amazing that she is not only a film actress but also other areas such as a screenwriter, producers and director. Diane started her career on stage as a debut actress. She has won several awards with her major award won in 1977 for her fourth film – Annie Hall. She was crowned with the Best Actress Academy Award, which is very impressing.

Diane Keaton plastic surgery before and after
It is like celebrity plastic surgery has been the trending thing for a couple of years. There is an ever-growing list of celebrities who have had plastic surgery. The question is; should we also add the name of Diane Keaton into the same list? The answer has not been found since Diane Keaton plastic surgery has remained as a rumor to date.
At 68 years, you would probably expect to notice the aging process clearly. A woman at that age should definitely show the age on her face by having more facial wrinkle, specifically around the forehead. However, this is not the case with our pretty fabulous actress. She should also show some other aging changes like neck wrinkles as well skin sagging around the eyes and jawline. This is what has initiated the Diane Keaton plastic surgery rumor.
The rumor of our actress undergoing a plastic surgery is based on two arguments; a facelift and a nose job. Some plastic surgeons believe that Diane has undergone a mid facelift. A facelift is believed to be the most effective way of making the facial skin tight and make a person look ageless.
Diane Keaton is almost 70 years but her face has got a skin which is tight and natural stretch tone. With regard to her age, no one is willing to believe that her skin could look that naturally tight without the help of a plastic surgery. Now on the nose job issue, certain plastic surgeons argue that they have closely observed Diane Keaton’s pictures. They say that their attention was on how pinched and thinner her nose seems compared to when she was in her tender age.

Diane Keaton then and now
However, Diane Keaton has claimed that she had no celebrity plastic surgery done to her. When asked in April 2012, she answered that she haven’t any Facelift yet though she cannot promise to not do it in future. There is no admitted Diane Keaton plastic surgery rumor yet but we could say that if she had one, it has saved her from a scary aging look.